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Why Confidence Is More Important Than Competence to Master Your Business With Lisa Fox The master your business podcast deirdre martin

Why Confidence Is More Important Than Competence to Master Your Business With Lisa Fox

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Confidence coach Lisa Fox shares her tips on becoming your best self to succeed in both business and life. Lisa helps ambitious women be, do and have everything they want…without guilt!

Through coaching, Lisa guides women to grow their businesses by increasing their confidence. Her clients want to live life on their terms without constantly doubting themselves, getting clear on their desires, and then going after them with Lioness determination. Lisa is a fierce woman who embodies what she's teaching. 

This episode has a feel-good factor and that boost of motivation you may need after listening. This episode will teach you that confidence is more important than competence to succeed.

When I first met Lisa, she was a working mother at the beginning of her self-employment journey, unsure if what she was doing was 'right'. Now 18 months later, she has an impressive six-figure business with a goal to grow it to 7 figures in 2023. She worked hard to ensure she was visible online and baring her soul, sharing her story and shining bright. 

But that's not all Lisa learnt along this quick success journey. Let's dive into what Lisa believes are the three main values she lived by to achieve her success.

The Less Perfect I Am, the More Money I Make

[12:40] Lisa discovered in her journey to the top that the less perfect she was, the more money she made because perfectionism is a thief of confidence. Perfectionism slows us down, or worse, it stops us completely. We've been told as women that perfectionism is a good thing, and that's something Lisa carried with her into her business dealings.

Years ago, when she decided to have an online business, Lisa failed and failed again. She couldn't get the business moving. The big reason was that she was trying to do everything right and be perfect before becoming visible, which is entirely normal. All solopreneurs want to look professional when starting a new business.

Lisa spent so much money, time, energy and all her resources on having the perfect website with the perfect online course on it, but what she discovered was it was more important to get her course and her business started and out in the world than sweating over the tiny imperfections that were putting a standstill to it all.

So she began doing just that, adding calls to action on her social media posts and shouting from the rooftops about her fantastic online course.

When she realised that perfectionism was getting in her way, she decided she and her business would never be perfect. She would rather dive in and see what popped up along the way. And when she took on that attitude, Lisa started making money.

She realised it was possible to be successful even with imperfections. She began to let go of limiting beliefs, stayed true to herself and confidently promoted her business

When Lisa started her business, she was so eager to begin that she didn't have a sales or landing page. Lisa attended a workshop and talked about her course, and in doing so, booked people on to sales calls. When people would ask her for a link to the course, she sent them a Google doc where she had written some information about the course and included a payment link. 

So as you can see, there was no link system, course platform and major strategy per se. If she had waited for a perfect website, she knew it would be another six months to a year to get up and running for the first year of her program. 

She ran everything through her private Facebook group, and contrary to what many people would have thought about this setup - nobody batted an eyelid. Because nobody deep down cares how they got the information as long as what they did get was beneficial.

You’ll Dance Much Better When You Dance as if Nobody Is Watching

[17:21] People focus so heavily on social media and metrics. And yes, this is an integral part of many businesses and should not be discredited. But it is essential also to remember the people who buy from you usually aren't the people who like your posts or the names that you see in the comments of your posts. They're generally not people who typically reply to emails or sign up for your freebies. 

So if it seems like nobody cares, you are probably right. Confidence will allow you to take the bull by the horns and continue anyway. If five people joined a group or a live stream, use that time to perfect your craft and get better at it at the beginning of your business venture instead of beating yourself up that one hundred people didn't show up.

Deliver everything you do as if everybody is watching, safe in the knowledge that it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you are showing up.

Some people are afraid to get too big or popular. People are scared to get it wrong and be called out, so they prefer to be small because that feels safe. The same things happen to you when you're small and safe as when you're big and badass! So you may as well learn how to have the confidence to advocate for yourself, stand up for yourself and be a leader at all stages. Everything we do in life is a learning curve.

This feeds into the previous point; the less perfect I am, the more money I make. Continue with confidence and self-belief, and watch your business benefit.

Show Up, Show Up, Show Up

[23:13] Show up no matter what.

> When you're not showing up, ask yourself why? Write it down.

> What is standing in your way of getting something done to benefit you?

> If you show up every day for a year, you will succeed.

> Doesn't that make showing up worth it?

Regardless of whether it will work out, being safe in this knowledge makes showing up feel a little more enticing. 

It's easy to get swept up in a negative event, e.g. a lousy launch or low sales numbers, and you begin to wonder if this rejection is a sign that you should give up or you shouldn't be doing what you are doing. Just remember, rejection is redirection.

Imagine you went head first into your next idea or venture with a guarantee that at the end of the year, it's going to work out - that one incident wouldn't mean very much then, would it? Adapt this growth mindset and watch the game change.

If you show up every single day for a year, you'll have more confidence, courage, knowledge and money than you know what to do with. And that has been true for Lisa.

In A Nutshell:

Fear of success happens when our subconscious mind tries to keep things the same because as long as things are the same, they're safe, even if they aren't necessarily where you would like to be at that moment in time. You don't know what success will bring. 

Similarly, with the fear of failing, people wonder how they will deal with the shame that comes with failure or doing the wrong thing. These two fears are working against each other all the time. So when you're holding on to that fear of failure but also wanting to go towards success, you may feel stuck, and that's how it is so easy to plateau at a certain level. 

Confidence can help you let go of these fears and show you that failure and success are neither good nor bad. Failure is part of success, and success is a pitstop on the journey, so you may as well enjoy the journey wherever you go.

This is easier said than done, but you have the power to choose to enjoy it every day. Train yourself to see your successes no matter how small and celebrate them. This takes practice, and it's not something you'll wake up tomorrow and know how to do.

Choose to advocate for yourself, choose to turn dirt into gold and decide to see the silver linings in failures. Every failure brings you success, and it is just part of the journey. So relax, do what you can without putting too much pressure on yourself and remember: there's no such thing as ultimate success.

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More From Lisa:

Lisa's tips and advice shine a light on your role as a business leader, you as an individual and bringing out what you are capable of. I'm so happy I could share her brilliance with you. Make sure to listen to the full episode for the rest of her great tips. For more from Lisa Fox, you can visit her website here:

Important Links:

Lisa's website

Lisa's Signature Program


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