Master Your Business
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3 Steps to Ditch Shiny Object Syndrome and Accelerate Your Business Growth

3 Steps to Ditch Shiny Object Syndrome and Accelerate Your Business Growth

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[08:12] Shiny Object Syndrome

[15:05] The "Not-To-Do List" Concept

[19:57] Importance of your Customer Journey

[23:27] Deirdre’s Freebie - Brand Strategy Checklist



3 Steps to Ditch Shiny Object Syndrome and Accelerate Your Business Growth


As entrepreneurs, we're constantly bombarded with new ideas, opportunities, and "shiny objects" that promise quick success and easy profits. It's tempting to chase after every new thing, and hop onto trends, hoping you’ll finally figure out the magic bullet that will make you millions in your business!


But the truth is, they’re just shiny objects, and you’re suffering from shiny object syndrome. It’s so common with ambitious entrepreneurs because you’re a visionary. Unfortunately, it can be a major roadblock to growth. When you're constantly switching gears and spreading yourself too thin, you end up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and stuck. Your business suffers from a lack of focus and direction, and you miss out on the opportunity to truly excel in your chosen field.


So, how can you break free from this cycle and achieve sustainable business growth? The answer lies in finding your focus and doing less but better. In episode 93 of the Master Your Business Podcast, I, Deirdre Martin, share a 3-step process to help you ditch shiny object syndrome, identify your core genius, and create a business that runs itself.


Identify Your Core Genius


Your "core genius" is the one thing you're uniquely good at, the activity that generates the most revenue and impact in your business. It's what your ideal clients value most and what they rave about when they talk about you. Figuring this out and putting all your energy and focus on it will help you position yourself and attract high-paying clients. 


Focus on your core strengths


Reflect on your strengths and passions 

  • What are you truly great at? 
  • What do you enjoy doing most?


Listen to your clients 

  • What do they say they love about working with you? 
  • What specific results do they achieve?


Analyse your revenue

- What services or products generate the most income for your business?


Consider your ideal clients 

  • Who are the people you enjoy serving most? 
  • What are their needs and challenges?


Once you've identified your core genius, focus your business around it. This doesn't mean you can't offer other services or products, but your core genius should be the foundation of your business and the primary driver of your growth.


Eliminate Distractions


Once you're clear on your one thing, it's time to eliminate the distractions pulling you away from your focus. This means saying "no" to opportunities that don't align with your core genius, even if they seem tempting.


How to focus on one thing in your business


  • Identify your biggest distractions 
  • What activities or tasks take up your time but don't contribute to your core focus?
  • Set boundaries 
  • Learn to say "no" to requests that don't align with your goals or values.
  • Delegate or automate 
  • Offload tasks that can be handled by others or technology, freeing up your time for more strategic activities.
  • Minimise interruptions 
  • Turn off notifications, create dedicated work blocks, and communicate your boundaries to clients and colleagues.


Genius hack! 

Create a "Not-To-Do List" – a list of activities you will NOT do, no matter how tempting they may seem. This will help you stay focused on your core genius and avoid distractions.


Create a Business That Runs Itself

The final step in achieving traction and accelerating your success is to create a business that can run smoothly even when you're not there. This means developing systems and processes that allow you to delegate tasks, automate workflows, and scale your impact without sacrificing your well-being. Ultimately, creating a business that can run without you, leads to achieving the work-life balance you dream of whilst building a legacy that will go on without you.  


Building a sustainable business


  • Document your processes 
  • Create standard operating procedures (SOPs) for your key business activities.
  • Embrace automation 
  • Use technology to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow.
  • Build a capable team 
  • Hire and train a team to handle routine tasks, freeing up your time for strategic planning and growth initiatives.
  • Empower your team 
  • Delegate tasks and give your team the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their roles.


Genius hack 

Use a delegation dashboard to track tasks, deadlines, and assignees. This will help you stay organised and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.




Overcoming shiny object syndrome and achieving focused business growth is essential for long-term success and fulfilment as an entrepreneur. By identifying your core genius, eliminating distractions, and creating a business that runs itself, you can achieve more with less effort and finally experience the freedom and flexibility you deserve.


Remember, focus is not about doing more; it's about doing less of the wrong things and more of the right things. Start taking action today and watch your business soar!


Listen to the full podcast episode for more in-depth insights and actionable advice!

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Freebie - Brand Strategy Checklist

Listen to full episode here

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