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5 Expert Tips To Revive LinkedIn For Your Service Business

5 Expert Tips To Revive LinkedIn For Your Service Business

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If you're feeling like LinkedIn is a corporate ghost town and you’re wondering weathe it’s worth being there anymore for your business, this post is for YOU.


I hear it all the time: "LinkedIn is useless," "Nobody sees my stuff," "I'm wasting my time."  But here's the truth: It's probably NOT LinkedIn that's the problem. It's your approach.

Let's breathe some life into your LinkedIn presence and turn those connections into paying clients. 


Lose the Corporate Jargon

This one's tough, especially if you've been in the corporate world for ages (like me!). But guess what? Even if you serve corporate clients, you don't have to sound like a robot.


Speak like a human! How do you explain your services to a friend? Use THAT language on LinkedIn.  Your ideal clients want to connect with a real person, not a walking buzzword generator.


Own Your Superpowers

What makes YOU the go-to expert?  How do you solve client problems in a way nobody else does?  Weave that magic into everything – your profile, your posts, even your tagline!


The LinkedIn 'About' section is prime real estate.  Keep paragraphs short (3-4 lines max) and experiment with one-sentence zingers for extra impact.


Seriously zingy!


It's a Two-Way Street

LinkedIn isn't just about broadcasting your brilliance.  Engage with others! Comment, share insightful posts, offer genuine help.  This boosts visibility and builds your reputation as someone worth knowing.


Give generously!  Share valuable content, lead magnets, run webinars... the more value you provide, the more will come back your way.

Video = Visibility Gold

Scared of going live? Get over it!  Short, authentic videos get insane reach on LinkedIn. Share quick tips, behind-the-scenes glimpses, even rants about industry trends (keep them tasteful, though).  The camera helps people connect with YOU, the real person behind the business.

Master the Soft Sell

Nobody likes a constant sales pitch in their feed. Instead of bragging about how amazing you are, share client wins!  Focus on the client's journey and transformation, positioning yourself as the guide who made it happen.


Another soft-sell strategy? Turn common client pain points into educational posts.  The right people will see themselves in your content and reach out for help.


The Secret Ingredient: Your Authentic Voice

Here's the thing: LinkedIn success isn't about being perfect or pleasing everyone. I curse on my LinkedIn (with asterisks, of course). Why? Because it's ME.


If overly formal language isn't your jam, don't force it.  Be bold, inject some personality, and let those dream clients see the real YOU.


Ready to Transform Your LinkedIn?

Grab my FREE 'Ultimate Message Breakthrough' Toolkit! It'll help you nail your tone, your value proposition, and everything you need to stand out in a sea of boring profiles. Find it at


Important Links:

Episode 31

Episode 63

Download my free messaging workbook!

Deirdre’s LinkedIn

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